Vendor Registration

Hi there! We understand that supporting a cause can be really meaningful and rewarding. And it’s always great to find a way to do so while also decluttering and getting rid of unused items. That’s where Heavenly Sale comes in - it’s a simple and convenient platform that makes it easy to sell items for a good cause. Plus, the added benefit of receiving a tax-deduction receipt can really make a difference. Give it a try, and know that you’re making a positive impact with your contributions.

The Old Way

The Three Parties Involved in a Sale

In a traditional donation-sale there are three parties to the sale of an item: the donor, the buyer and the benefiting organization. In this donation-sale , the donor will donate an item either by bringing an item to the organization or having the organization come and get the item in exchange for a tax-deductible receipt for the fair market value (FMV) of the item. Then the organization will need to transport, store, and process the item to prepare it for sale. Then the buyer will visit the organization at their location, like a church campus or thrift store, to shop hoping for deals on items marked below fair-market value.

The Problems Heavenly Sale Fixes

Getting member buy-in
Getting items for rummage sales can be challenging, particularly when it comes to gaining the support of members. While some members may be enthusiastic about donating items, others may be hesitant to part with their belongings. It can also be difficult to convince members to donate items that are still in good condition, as they may feel that these items still have value and could be sold for a higher price. Additionally, some members may not have anything to donate, or may not have the means to transport items to the sale location. All of these factors can make it difficult to gain the support of members in getting items for rummage sales.
Transportation arrangements
Transportation arrangements for a rummage sale can be difficult because there are often large and bulky items that need to be transported, such as furniture or appliances. It can also be challenging to coordinate transportation for all the items, especially if multiple people are contributing to the sale. Additionally, finding a vehicle large enough to transport all the items can be a challenge, especially if the sale is being held in a densely populated area where parking is limited. Finally, there is always the risk of damage to the items during transportation, which can be costly and time-consuming to resolve.
Storage Availability and Costs
Storage availability and costs can be a significant challenge when organizing a rummage sale. Depending on the scale of the sale, a large amount of space may be required to store donated items before the sale. However, finding suitable storage space that is secure, easily accessible, and affordable can be difficult. Renting a storage unit or warehouse can be expensive, cutting into the profits made from the sale. Moreover, if the storage location is too far from the sale location, it can increase transportation costs and make it more difficult to transport the items to the sale location. This can be a significant obstacle for organizers who may not have the financial resources to rent storage space or the means to transport items back and forth between the storage location and the sale location.
Time Constraints
Time constraints can be a major challenge for organizations when setting up a rummage sale and getting volunteers. The process of organizing items and sending out donation slips can be time-consuming and requires careful planning to ensure everything is done on time. For example, the organization needs to set a date for the rummage sale well in advance, so they can begin advertising and getting the word out to potential donors and volunteers. They also need to allocate enough time to sort, price, and display the items, as well as coordinate with volunteers to help with setup and sales. Finally, they need to send out donation slips promptly to donors after the sale is over. All of these tasks require careful time management to ensure that the rummage sale is successful and well-organized.
The costs of running a rummage sale, such as gaining the support of members, transportation arrangements, storage availability and costs, time constraints, and other related expenses, can often outweigh the benefits that come from the sale. While rummage sales can be a great way to raise funds for an organization or cause, the amount of time, effort, and money required to organize and run the sale can be significant. For instance, the cost of renting storage space, transporting items to and from the sale location, and advertising the sale can quickly add up and cut into the profits made from the sale. Additionally, the time and effort required to organize the sale, including getting the support of members, sorting and pricing items, and coordinating with volunteers, can be substantial. In some cases, the amount of work required to run a successful rummage sale may not be worth the benefits that come from it, especially if the costs outweigh the profits.

The Heavenly Sale Way


In short:

  1. The donor sets up a shop with items. 
  2. The buyer purchases an item from the shop and creates a meetup with the donor to get the item.
  3. Once the item has been confirmed as received, the payment is processed.
  4. Once the payment is processed, the tax-deduction receipt for the Fair Market Value (FMV) of the item is emailed to the donor and uploaded to their account on Heavenly Sale. 
  5. A check is mailed to the supported Cause. 

That’s the basics. laughing But to know more about all the good stuff that happens behind the scenes and all the benefits for the donors, buyers, and Causes; keep reading. 

The Donor
At Heavenly Sale, the donor’s experience is very much like someone’s experience on many other platforms where people sell their items to the general public. Here, the donor will create an account, pick their cause to support, and then add items to their very own online shop. Once an item is purchased, they discuss where to meet the buyer for pickup. When the item has been marked as received by the buyer, and payment has been processed, the donor will automatically get a tax-deduction receipt emailed directly to them as well as a copy uploaded to their Heavenly Sale profile (you know, just in case the receipt gets lost between now and tax time wink ).
The Buyer
At Heavenly Sale, the Buyer can choose to shop by category of item or category of Cause to support.
Maybe you are looking for your newest throwback clothing style or a hard-to-find collectible; search the entire store for that one item that has your fancy. 
Maybe there’s a nonprofit whose cause burns bright in your heart, and you want to support them while also getting some slightly used board games. You can go to that Cause’s page and filter the items supporting that Cause to find what you are looking for. 
Whatever it is, you can know that as you shop and get that next big bargain, you are also helping support nonprofits that are doing amazing work in the communities where you live.
If you want to get a donation along with your purchase, you could also help out the Cause by covering the small administration fee at checkout to ensure the Cause gets 100% of the donation. It’s a win all-around!
The Organization
At Heavenly Sale, the Organization can take as little or as much hand in the operation as they desire. Some may not even know they are being supported until their first check arrives in the mail.

Heavenly Sale works to verify that every Cause within our listing is verified as a tax-donatable entity*. Once a threshold amount is reached, a check is automatically sent out to that Cause with a detailed explanation of where the donation is coming from and from whom it was received. (The donor can mark themselves as anonymous if they desire)

If the Organization wishes to have more of a hand in its Heavenly Sale profile, it can take ownership of its listing, set projects to support, create multiple locations, approve donors who can sell items to support its cause and projects, and much much more.

But, none of it needs to deal with transportation arrangements, storage of items, volunteer management for rummage sales, etc., which were among the problems we aim to solve with our platform and were among the huge undertakings of “The Old Way” of doing donation-sales.

* Currently, we only are working within the United States, and thus only working with organizations that have received a tax-donatable letter from the IRS
Heavenly Sale
Heavenly Sale takes away much of the “leg work,” organization, and administration needs typically associated with the typical rummage sale done by a charity.
We make it easy for the general public to get involved with causes they are passionate about and offer another way to sell items just sitting on a shelf waiting for their second, third, or maybe even fourth home. 
We give another way for the general public to find items for sale, which, let’s face it, the majority of society likes to shop and loves a good deal; but, this time, they can also support causes they care about along the way.
Our goal is to take away many of the headaches often experienced by all parties with these “donation-sales” and thus make the experience more enjoyable, more engaging, and more connecting.
It is also our hope, by reducing the overall difficulties with “donation-sales”, that both the smaller charities, which lacked the manpower and time, as well as the larger charities, which weighed the cost/benefit as not being worth the hassle, can once again see the advantage of the “donation-sale”.


Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost?

It doesn’t cost the donor a thing to post or sell an item, and it doesn’t cost the Cause a thing to receive their donation.

The cost is only to the buyer who purchases the item.

Does Heavenly Sale Get Paid?

We do take a small percentage of the donation to cover the credit card processing fees and administrative costs of the site. Usually around 5% of the total sale.

Does the money a buyer spends count as a donation?

Unfortunately, no. Since the buyer receives a physical item for the money they pay, they cannot take a tax deduction. But, if they wish to cover the 5% that normally is taken from the sale price to cover the credit card processing fees and administrative costs, that extra amount they pay would be considered a donation. In this situation, the buyer would get two receipts. One for the item(s) they purchased and the other for their donation and within their Heavenly Sale account they will see the two different receipts within those two areas. 

How does a buyer covering Admin Costs count as a donation?

Heavenly Sale is a subsidiary of the 501(c)(3) public charity, The Christian Chain. In other words, The Christian Chain is doing business as (DBA) “Heavenly Sale.” That means that money gifted to our service can be taken as a tax deduction if it meets certain criteria.

As a buyer, you are donating a specific amount to cover the administrative costs of the sale to support our community project and the Cause the item is advocating. By paying the administration fee, you are helping us keep our service active and enabling the Cause to receive a greater amount of support. In summary, your payment is contributing to the progress of both our project and the Cause.

How do my items count as a donation?

Heavenly Sale verifies each Cause that is listed in our directory and is attached to a shop and/or item. With this verification, we ensure the Cause is listed within the IRS database as a tax-deductible entity.

Since the Cause can receive tax-deductible donations, you can list an item earmarked as supporting your Cause; once it sells, the donation will go to the Cause. This creates the paper trail the IRS needs to prove how your item was a donation to the Cause and should be considered tax-deductible.

How can I verify Heavenly Sale's Nonprofit Status?

Heavenly Sale is a subsidiary of the 501(c)(3) public charity, The Christian Chain. In other words, The Christian Chain is doing business as (DBA) “Heavenly Sale.”

Verify via IRS Site

The Christian Chain’s Employer Identification Number (EIN) is 45-5320220. It is this number that you can use to check our tax-deductible status. 

First, you will go to the IRS Exempt Organization Search Tool: Here

Then, you will search for by our EIN listed above. 

You will see “The Christian Chain Inc.” show up below the search fields. When you click on our organization’s name it will take you to our IRS profile page where it will confirm our current status as being a tax-deductible public charity, you can see our determination letter from 2013 when we got our status, as well as our 990 forms we have needed to fill out.  

Verify via GuideStar a Candid Project

GuideStar is a 3rd party non-profit organization that provides the general public with information regarding nonprofit organizations to help give important information to potential donors. Below is our current transparency badge. By clicking the badge, you will be taken to our GuideStar profile page.

How Does Heavenly Sale Fit Into The Christian Chain's Mission of Unity?

Heavenly Sale is a “Connection Project” of The Christian Chain. The Christian Chain is our parent organization, and the 501(c)(3) non-profit organization we work under.

In 2023, The Christian Chain celebrated its 10-year anniversary. The Vision of The Christian Chain has always been to see Christian churches working across denominational barriers, maintaining the Unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. And it’s mission has always been to connect people to people, churches to churches, and the world to Jesus Christ.

This year will see an expansion of the current ministry unity projects and the start of some new community connection projects. That is where Heavenly Sale comes in. 

Heavenly Sale is our first Community Connection project we are releasing. It brings a way for the community to come together across any barriers to support one another and Causes we each believe in.